Jissen Kobudo Jinenkan

The Jinenkan was founded by Fumio Manaka (martial name “Unsui”) in 1996. The purpose of the organization is to allow students to study the martial arts of old Japan freely and unhindered under his guidance. Unsui has 60 years of experience in the Japanese arts of kobudo (old martial ways).

The Jinenkan offers instruction in taijutsu (unarmed fighting skills), bikenjutsu (sword arts), yari (spear), naginata (halberd), tessen (iron fan), jutte (truncheon), kusari-fundo (weighted chain), tanto (knife), bojutsu (staff arts, including rokushaku bo, hanbo, and jo), and more. The koryu lineages we study are Jinen Ryu, Gyokko Ryu, Koto Ryu, Kukishin Ryu, Shinden Fudo Ryu, Takagi Yoshin Ryu, and Togakure Ryu.

The Jinenkan has many dojocho (licensed instructors) teaching in various places across North America and Europe, as well as dojocho in Australia, South Africa, and of course in Japan. Instructors are at least the rank of sandan (3rd degree) and are certified by the Honbu to teach. See our listings in Jinenkan Locations for more information.

The rank testing process is strict and everyone, regardless of rank or experience in other organizations, must start at the beginning and work their way up. Practitioners progress at their own rate and are neither hurried along through the ranks nor artificially delayed. We are pleased with the slow steady growth of the Jinenkan and our ability to maintain high quality in the instruction we offer our students.

For information on Jinenkan training or how to become a Jinenkan member, please send email to info@ryusuidojo.com